Sunday 18 May 2008

I detest Sundays… I hate them since I have to struggle hard with the consciousness that Monday is due to arrive in several hours. Generally, Mondays this year are quite pleasant, only one class, you cannot get tired. Perhaps it is just a matter of the name… Monday? I am sorry to say that I’ve been skiving since morning… I’ve done nothing although so many things should be done. Do you have any tips on how to kill remorse?


Karolina said...

"only one class, you cannot get tired"??!! i can't believe my eyes, Monika is it really you posting this time?:)
p.s. no solution for remorse discovered, unless i don't know anything about it. and i've been trying to fight mine the whole day today - as i did nothing during the weekend:) hugs and cu tomorrow

Monika said...

Haha it is really me... One class is not enough to get tired. It is going to be a hard day tomorrow, two classes and million other things to do after that. I'm lucky if I get home by 7 :s
BZW (by ze way)I've been revising to our grammar test and I am just wondering how I could rewrite the comment in three different ways... It's too late, I shall try to do it some other day...